- Kategori
- 7th Sea 8
- Aberrant / Trinity 6
- Age of Sigmar: Soulbound 11
- Alien 3
- All Flesh Must Be Eaten 1
- Alternity 2
- Animal Adventures 3
- Arkham Horror RPG 1
- Ars Magica 6
- Basic Roleplaying 2
- BESM 4
- Blade Runner 4
- Call of Cthulhu 20
- Castles & Crusades 2
- Changeling: The Dreaming 5
- Chill 3
- Chock 5
- Conan 3
- Conspiracy X 4
- Coriolis 1
- Cyberpunk 3
- D20 System 17
- Dark Conspiracy 0
- Deadlands 3
- Demon: The Fallen 0
- Drakar och Demoner 27
- Drakar och Demoner Trudvang 0
- Dreams and Machines 2
- Dune: Adventures in the Imperium 4
- Dungeons & Dragons 62
- Earthdawn 0
- Elric! 1
- Ensamma Vargen 1
- Eon 1
- Everyday Heroes 1
- Exalted 9
- Fate System 2
- Feng Shui 2
- Götterdämmerung / Lex Occultum 4
- Handbok för Superhjältar 2
- Hellboy 4
- Hero System 6
- Hunter: The Reckoning 11
- Judge Dredd 5
- Kult 0
- Legend of the Five Rings 3
- Lord of the Rings 0
- Mage: The Ascension 8
- Mage: The Awakening 4
- Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade 1
- MERP 0
- Mind´s Eye Theatre 8
- Mutant 8
- Mutant Chronicles 2
- Mutant: År Noll 6
- Mutants & Mastermind 1
- Neotech 1
- Nordiska Väsen 1
- Palladium Fantasy 1
- Pathfinder 30
- Pendragon 2
- Rolemaster 3
- RuneQuest 6
- Sagan om Ringen 4
- Sagospelet Äventyr 5
- Shadowrun 11
- Sins 3
- Space Master 7
- Starfinder 9
- Star Trek 7
- Star Wars 26
- Stjärnornas Krig 3
- Symbaroum 4
- Systemlösa tillbehör 1
- Svärdets Sång 0
- Sword and Sorcery 17
- Tails of Equestria / My Little Ponny RPG 6
- The One Ring 4
- The Spy Game 1
- The Terminator RPG 1
- The Troubleshooters 0
- The Witcher 0
- Top Secret / S.I 2
- Torg 2
- Traveller 2
- Twilight: 2000 2
- Vampire: The Dark Ages 1
- Vampire: The Masquerade 25
- Vampire: The Requiem 1
- Warhammer 40K 5
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 8
- Werewolf: The Apocalypse 3
- Werewolf: The Forsaken 2
- Western 5
- World Of Darkness 7
- Wraith: The Oblivion 0
- Zombicide Chronicles 2
- Grund och start boxar 9
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